Friday, October 5, 2012

10-5-2012 parents have arrived

Today was an incredibly different day than yesterday! Lets just say that I started the day off with pink eye. Yes that's right my second affliction of the semester, pretty good for someone with a low immune system though. I had so much fun meeting everyone's parents despite the fact that breakfast check in was at 7:00am versus 7:20am! Everyone's families are so interesting! For instance I didn't know that Kevin has adopted siblings!

Just a bit of a side note, I made a pleated bread bowl a while ago, and when it got bone dry it cracked. When It got bisque fired it cracked more, and when i glazed it, I put it in the kiln knowing it would crack. WELL... I know have a beautiful bread bowl! I should take a picture of my pieces soon! Ceramics now consists of trying to get a hang of throwing. It takes lots of tries!

Because of the pink eye, which hadn't been confirmed by the doctor yet, I decided to sleep since I was caught up. Then off to the nurse to be told I was going out to Eagle River to get checked out. I ended up missing most of English class which was quite disappointing because I really am enjoying Into the Wild.

Jack, the guy who drove me to Eagle River was really nice! He brought me two of the cookies meant for the parents because I "looked sad." Speaking of injuries Ella ran into lamp post with her bike. Second accident for her. She's in a wheel chair now. I'm not exactly what's wrong with her knee though. The doctors appointment lasted about 5 minutes. It went as follows:

first 10 seconds: doctor: "oh wow you have pink eye!"
next few seconds: feel weird.. feels like sand in your eyes?
next seconds.. Me: "how long does bacteria live on surfaces?"
doctor: "the truth of the lies?"
me: "lies then truth"
doctor: "24 hours.. nasty isn't? are we done yet?"
me: "sure thang!"

I missed a lot of history class, but the class was consisted of making food that Lewis and Clark made using fires and dutch ovens! I partook in the making of the "New and Old potatoes." It was sooooo delicious! There was also bison bean stew, ham, biscuits, homemade ice cream, and fruit. So good!!!!! I came away with a lovely smokey fire smell! And I don't say this in a sarcastic voice. it's possibly one of my most favorite-est smells!

After school I met with the group of singers who I'm singing "Wagon Wheel" with and then Kai and Aaron got the LED poi out. The epic-ness began! They did the poi to "I Am the Doctor." If you don't know the song.. youtube it! It's a must! It was so awesome! That act is being added to the talent show!

The evening was filled with laughs. I went out to eat with Maeve, Els (her 9 year old sister), Mattie, Aaron, Keller (The Yates' older brother , 19) and Kaia, plus the parents of Maeve and Kaia. I had some delicious butternut squash ravioli with olive oil and dill I think. Quite good. Made up for the wait. Els is like this super  energetic ball of hilarious energy! After dinner we were greeted with giant moose hanging out of the back of a truck. It was disturbing and fascinating at the same time. All Aaron could say was "are they going to use the skin?"

Off to watch Doctor Who!


  1. So, does that mean that your bread bowl made it through the glazing intact?!! If so, that's amazing....

  2. Correct! :D I jumped up and down and couldn't stop smiling!
