Sunday, October 14, 2012

10-13-12 and 10-14-12 rain makes life cozy

I LOVE ANDY MY ADVISER SO SO MUCH! I do believe that he is reading my blog, or Stefan told him about my entry talking about my craving of Chinese food. Either way, even though I missed the first 20 min of my own advisory group dinner, I arrived to Kung Pao tofu and white rice that's mildly sticky+lemonade+apple pie! I cannot express my thankfulness! :P

Short note.. I do not cut hair Kai, and I especially don't cut hair when I'm late to a dinner appointment!

The evening are getting shorter which limits the wilderness wanderings and packs us all that much closer. Not a favorite. On another note the sledding has been a terrific place for pondering the universe. Mattie and I have spent quite a bit of time up there. Sometimes accompanied by Aaron, Zeki, Garrett, Dexter, and every now and then Maeve. We have had some very fascinating conversations. I like the weird ponderings that we have. After we finish lying on our backs staring at the heavenly bodies, we all feel loose and carefree. Aaron especially is fascinating to observe. Zeki, who doesn't typically hang out with Aaron a lot, was astonished to a joking, giggling, light, louder version to Aaron. I think that we often make misconceptions about people, and I'm not saying this is a mean thing towards Zeki. I think it's just a shame the general public doesn't stop to get to know each other on a closer level. If we did, maybe we would b more accepting, because we'd see more common links than we originally thought. Then maybe there'd be more peace between us. Here at conserve we are able to get to know each other really well, because we live with each other 24/7.  And for that I am glad. 

I spent most of yesterday in Maeve's room with said owner of room and Mattie working on our history projects. The same with today. The days here have been a grey drippy color without a lot of pauses. If only it was really cold. We could have had an awesome amount of snow. The days are full of random questions and music. I have listened to so much music recently it's amazing. I've been reminded of old songs and discovered a couple of new songs. My history project is 97% complete. 

The nights are filled with hours on end swinging and singing our hearts out. Thinking of lyrics and laughing like maniacs from the highs we get when we swing. Last night Dexter joined us, and I felt like I was back in 1st grade. We would twist ourselves in the swings as tight as they would go and then tuck our legs in and spin on and on. When the world was only swaying a little we would lean back and fall out of the swings. Over and over until we were nauseous and couldn't stand. 

Every now and then there are brownie deliveries from Aaron which are greatly appreciated. It's mostly payment for the veggie oil he uses, but also of course his niceness. 

I listened to 100 Years by Five For Fighting, and Dexter is now learning it on the piano for me! :D Thanks bro!

Life is moving along smoothly! Trial and tribulation free! :) PEACE

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