Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Overwhelmed 9-3-13

That is what I am. Actually that is putting it lightly. I don't think k I have a word for what I'm feeling. Do you ever feel like there's a cloud like the one from Mario Kart following you around reminding you of all the stuff you have to do? If not you are obviously doing something right. All of a sudden in my search to get a thorough physics education I find myself doing both honors physics and AP physics C. So much work. On the brighter side of things Dexter talked to me today and his 12th sibling was born about 3:15pm on the 3rd of September. Her name is Josie! :) I'm sure she is a beautiful baby and will have a good life. Dexter however seems to be a bit sad that he will only know Josie for about 4 months before he leaves on his mission! That's right folks Dexter spreads his songs on January 15, 2014! I miss the guy so much already and thinking he's in Brazil just means he's that much further away. You might think me cruel and cynical but I mean, what's mine more friend that's far away from me? I really do have a knack for bonding with the long distance people and don't have very many people in Atlanta itself. Funny how things work. Maybe it's just the universe saying I should look into traveling abroad in college.
*this was written on the 3rd of September and for some reason didn't get published.