Saturday, August 11, 2012

4 days till lift off!

Hello lovely people! So my mom has a facebook page now! :) I've been busy seeing people and getting last minute stuff sent off to Land O' Lakes which is apparently not in the UPS list of "places" :O Uh oh! Especially since the box was full of pillows and the irreplaceable Donnalynn (aka a duck pillow pet gifted to me by a group of special people). And the guy who was shipping my boxes off to had grown up in Wisconsin and he had never heard of it either! I am seriously downsizing in population I guess. It will definitely be a huge change.

Today I got a lovely bear beanie baby as a going away present. Her given name is Pecan, but I'm not satisfied so in the time not used thinking about how EXCITED I am about Conserve I have been trying to think up a cool creative name. :D

I'm so proud to see a whopping 30 page view to know that someone is actually listening to my craziness. So thank you a million times over.

Just a fun fact for the day. I saw Step Up Revolution today (it was really quite brilliant), but before that I had to tell someone that those crazy fish swimming around in the advertisement were Nemo and Dory! And yes it was a full length movie, yes he should see it, and yes I know that was an advertisement and not the actual movie! People these days!

Until next time... Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming! :)


  1. I bet Land O'Lakes has a lot of butter - ha ha! I'm so glad you get to go on this amazing trip - please keep blogging regularly so people near and far (like me and Joey) can read about your exploits. Have you ever read the Anne of Green Gables or Emily of New Moon series? Your writing conveys the same wonderful optimism of those two beloved heroines.

  2. I will! It's way more fun than I actually thought it would be! Yes I have read and listened to many of the Anne of Green Gables books, and loved them. :)
