Thursday, August 23, 2012

8-22-2012 and a little of 8-23-12

So for not blogging yesterday yall! I got busy studying with my study group, and completely ran out of time. So yesterday, the only new things that I had were my history and english classes. 'm super psyched about both of them. They sound really good.

All of my classes have been really exciting. Well not math, we have been going over HW problems a lot and not learning anything new, but that's ok. Everything should pick up eventually.

My first new class was history. Micheal is super nice, and really relaxed. We went out to the spot where the opening ceremony happened, and read an article about exploration. The spot where we were sitting was so calming and nice, and the lake was absolutely beautiful. There was such a nice breeze, and it wasn't too hot. Basically a perfect class. The assignment was: "What does exploration mean to you?" I'm excited to write about it.

Next was Jeff's class. His opening presentation was quite fun. You walked in and the entire floor was covered in toys. You name it and it was there. The presentation was all about jumping into literature, and enjoying it. So after his presentation about the general overview of the class was over his line was "jump in". We got to sit on the floor and play for 15 minutes! We played some listening games one of which I failed miserably at. it was a word game where you took certain things out of the phrase "The United States Of America". You were supposed to get the word Holland. Lean on your keyboard and that's what I got. >.< After that we went out into the Slyvania forest (which by the way is a certified wilderness) and I sat half in Michigan and half in Wisconsin. Go me! We wrote what we thought wilderness meant to us, and suck the pieces of paper into a drybag, and we are going to go and read them at the end of the semester and see if our views on wilderness have changed.

Needless to say i'm psyched about my classes. I have a lot of math homework and a little science and of course the exploration essay. So I think that the homework load is pretty manageable. My only problem that I'm having is that I don't really know how to use a graphing calculator, so therefore I am trading helping Russ and Kai with Algebra II for graphing calculator instructions. I also think that Molly, Ella , and Rachel will be helping me along the way!

That night I went to the sLAB to study with Ellie for math, but the table we chose got really loud, so I moved to this cubicle thing with Dexter, Kai, Ellie, and Russ. It was a minor improvement, because as soon as we moved the fire alarm went off because Kaia attempted to leave the building through the emergency fire door. :P But I made good headway and am keeping up nicely.

This morning (8-23-2012) was ceramics where we wedged the clay. We are starting off by creating 3 pinch pots to get used to the clay. In addition, we are sketching pottery project ideas. Garret's drawings are a work of art by themselves. It was incredible!

I forgot to mention that yesterday there was a rock wall orientation class. The only weird rule is that you have to wear a helmet if you are climbing, and their belay rules are slightly different but, that was fun. Ton's of people showed up. Many of them having never put a harness on before. I like that people ere are willing to jump right in and try new and foreign things with you.

So that's all that has happened. I might not get another chance to blog till tomorrow because of studying. So stay cool and peace out! :D

1 comment:

  1. MJ you are so diligent! blogging and still doing school work? Please don't burn yourself out the first week. This is going to keep going until mid December and you don't want to get sick!
    Sleep is good for helping you learn, you know.
    (This is your Mother speaking!)

    Wo Ai Ni!
