Tuesday, August 21, 2012

8-21-12 first day of classes!

So today was the first day of classes! That's right my first day of high school at a "brick and mortar" school (even though two classes were held outside)! I'm very proud! Woohoo!
So the morning started off with really early kitchen duties! French toast ya'll! I'm definitely eating good if you say that the french toast was whole wheat. It was very tasty. From there I ran all over the LAB (who remembers what that is?) trying to find my online Chinese class of all things. And yes they do mark you tardy if you are 5 minutes late. kind of stinks, but the punishment is cleaning i think. So not too bad. But I don't plan to be late at all this year, but hey I'm human and I know it's gonna happen some time. Poor Zeki plain out missed breakfast cause he slept right through his morning prayer alarm :(

So in Chinese I immediately ran into a road block. First off the program I'm doing.. well it talks to me. Thank you Mr. Lowenstine you funded extra pair of headphone, but I have to say they are quite beat up! Anyways then the next thing I run into is typing in Chinese. I needed to do that immediately so I had to send my computer to tech cause I couldn't get through all their blocks. Consequently I didn't do Chinese 2. I just ended up poking around in the library. Get a short stories book... I really need to recommend "My Family and Other Animals" to the "librarian".

After that I headed to pre-calculus. You have no idea how excited I am about this class. Arjen is going to be giving us a lot of real world math problems that we can do. Hooray for a subject specific semester school :) And of course I get to use a graphing calculator kudos Josh! You are a life saver! I hope I learn quick. :O

After that I was off to ceramics. I'm super excited about this class to, because we are going to learn about glazes, and throw pots, and do sculptures. Needless to say i'm pumped for the class. We are getting out design notebook tomorrow so we can draw up what we want to make. We got to sit around this table that had tons of, mostly pots, sitting around it. Robert (my teacher) had gotten these from all around the world. We spent the entire class period talking about what we wanted to do, and how the pots on the table we made and all the unique styles and how they influenced other artists around the world. All this lovely chatting happened while drinking Chinese green tea out of cups that he had bought or made!

Next on the schedule was lunch. Mire prep for my group. We had mini pizza's on pita bread. That was all good. :)

Next was science class the star class at this school. We went out with Robert (same teacher as the art teacher).We went for a good hilly off road bike ride that was full of rocks and twigs to go and see a logging operation that's going on in campus. It was really cool to learn the whole science behind logging, and how the techniques differ in states all across the US! It was very fascinating. We got to see how one of the pieces of machinery worked. It was alarmingly powerful.

So here's the story about the bikes. I had a bit of bad luck. It was all going fine until BAM! I accidentally had gotten a branch caught in my spokes! well that worried me. Then on the way back I'm puffing up a hill, and I try to lower the gear one sprocket. BANG the chain drops all the way down to one, and I'm suddenly not moving! Well apparently the it did this for any gear you were on. So that wasn't such a fun ride back. At least I didn't ruin my bike like Russ. He managed to bend one of his gear sprockets at about 90 degrees along with busting his brake pads. Or like Zeki who got his pants got stuck in the chain and couldn't move!

 Needless to say science was very fun! I love it! Field study is basically preparing us for the exploration week. Which by the way should be backpacking for me! YAY! :D It was fun also, but by that time we were all exhausted and didn't want to get our PE credit :P

After all of classes I proceeded to follow Ana, Brooke, Ian, and George to their science HW spot. Our homework is to measure trees using estimation and some math. I'll either get Kai or Russ to help me since all the girls paired off. Ahh well. That was followed by swinging on swings with Kaia (different form Kai) and playing with one of the staff's Burnese Mountain dog! :D got my doggie fix for the day. Oliver (the dog) is such a huge puppy!

A delicious dinner followed the fun afternoon. Veggie and mango stew, seasoned potatoes, green beans, and tofu shnitzle. LOVE the cooks here! Round of applause for Judy and Dennis!  

Followed by a super fun evening at the commons which involved talking about licorice, fire spinning complete with demonstration thanks to Kai and a nice demonstration by Ana with this stick thing, but I can't remember what it's called. Followed by over analyzing a painting by Ella which looked quite depressing. Followed by a chat about fingernail lengths and why people take huge pains to paint flowers on their finger nails. Followed by talking about relationships with other people.

And then I got here. And am blogging! Yeah so peace out yall! (That's something EVERYONE here laughs at me about). No worries they still speak funny! Byeee


  1. Glad they're feeding you well. The food actually sounds good and not too much under the Scandinavian influence.

    When you say "a fun evening at the commons." are you talking about the big open area in the LAB just outside the dining hall?

  2. Yes we have fully veggie friendly meals on Weds. and Thurs. Everyone gets their fill of the garden! The commons is outside where the bell tower is. AKA the gathering place i think

  3. Ignore my previous comment. I didnt read this post until now. ha ha
