Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12-5-12 Energetic Spiraling

Mattie and I got up early this morning and went out to the parking lot and did this:

"I added the directions below for those who wish to participate!

On Dec 7 2012 at noon GMT+5 (Eastern time-US) we will begin creating a series of spirals around the world, hopefully on every continent. using the action of earth art and working with intentionally manifesting the subtle energies, we will each create a spiral moving in a clockwise manner. We will be healing the earth and working to align the energy of our individual spaces. Please share this event!

This is an art work that has healing dynamics and the greater the participation the better.

I will be adding the directions for this as the time for this event gets closer!

Please feel free to invite your friends from everywhere around the world.

I would like to have a photo of the event as you finish, video if you want as you do it and any thoughts you have (that you are willing to share!) while in the energy of all of our intentions.

This aligns with the work of Dr. Bill Tiller if you would like to look up his science of Psycho-energetics! as well as the energy work of Masaru Emoto, and many others!

The spiral Process is quite simple, first find a flat spot, preferably with loose sand or gravel surface though you can do it anywhere the surface will help with the spiraling process. Then find what you want to be the center point. Face yourself east, if you have a compass great if not look where the sun rises. (in Antarctica this might prove challenging...) now close your eyes for just a moment. Now open them but don't try to focus on anything. it is time to ground. focus your mind on the ground below your feet and as far down as your imagination can take you. Now bring your mind back into your chest or your heart. let your energy settle into your feet and think about the earth's healing, about the spot you are standing on and how you desire healing energy to come from the universe and pass through you into the earth as you spiral. start with your right foot with the ball of your foot being a pivot and drag your left foot around the pivot until you are almost back to east now gently slide the left foot until it is about five or six inches outside the first channel. Now smoothly shift the right foot into the channel left by the left foot and make sure the distance between your feet feels comfortable. (each of us is different and we will each make our unique spiral, some tight some loose) continue spiraling by always keeping the right foot in the track left by the left foot. Spiral as long as you like. Keeping your mind on the intention is not imperative, if you set the intention at the start your interaction with the subtle energies will continue until you decide intuitively to stop.

Please photograph what you have done and if comfortable please send me your feelings as you did the spiral and any thoughts you had afterwards. post it here and we can all share . if you want privacy send to my email, Thanks!"

So we were a little early, but here's some pictures!