Friday, November 16, 2012

Pink Paper

They are here
those pink sheets of paper
signaling an exodus
a parting of the ways
a departure of friends so close

they are so bright
like the truth of the time we have left
but they also signal a time for rest
a time for separation

so when we come together again
there will be so many things that bind us together
hands held
glances shared
puns made
the jokes that no one will understand
when we return back to the grey normal
the golden sunrise together
silver stars
the yellow moon
orange sunsets
inky black skies
pure white snowball fights
the deep blue of the lakes
it's the love and laughter that will hold back those
crystal tears

So be merry while you are away
sink back into your families
while your rooms are vacant
while the swings squeak with no occupants
while there's ringing silence in the hallways
while the wind whistles across the frozen lakes

Know when you come back the woods will have it's arms open wide
embracing your grateful company
Know I'll be glad to see you
With the twinkle of the eye
a twitch in the corner of our mouths
growing into a gaping grin
we'll be together again
for a short time
once again
in our shared heaven

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely poem, MJ. We can tell how much you love where you are living...
