Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just a typical day

Our days at the Moccasin Lake cabin were pretty regular. Wake up 8:30 to 9ish to the sounds or a dishwasher unloading, the coffee making gurgling, Mattie rolling around on the bed, and the snuffling of Nellie and Mickey in our ears. After a breakfast of toast and homemade peanut butter and strawberry jam. After sustenance, we would all snuggle down on the couches and the chairs and start reading. This would proceed with intermittent googling of foreign words, playing with the poi and Diabolo, and playing/listening to the two guys playing their guitars. After lounging for the better part of the morning we would head outside whether for a canoe on the lake or for a walk (with or without the dogs). Some variations in our days are as follows:

November 17th:
 Today w made the trek out to Ashland to visit Northland College and then to eat lunch with some of the Yates' relatives that Barbra (their grandma) hadn't seen for a good many years. Northland was a really cool place, but I was on brain overload after visiting. I'm almost positive that we infuriated the guy who was giving us the tour because we weren't asking a bazillion questions. The campus has some really cool things on it like a building made out straw, a wind turbine, and a solar panel array! Lunch was really quite delicious. Aaron and I were the only two vegetarians and we had a good laugh at the almost completely carnivorous menu. The restaurant we were eating at was in the basement of a really fancy hotel. Molly something's Inn I believe. The inn/hotel was situated on Lake Superior! Sadly the sky was a grey puddle and everything looked rather nasty.  After we finished eating, Kell, Aaron, Mattie, and I went down to the dock and looked at all the boat names and dreamed about sailing around the world on an energy efficient sail boat. Some of the boats were rather unlucky seeing as how they were things like "The Paradise III." It was very funny to be in the car on the way to and from Ashland. We hadn't been in the car for that long of a time since we arrived. It was absolutely stifling. It's a good thing that we slept all the way there and all the way back. That evening when we got home we went outside and played with long exposure and the LED poi. After thoroughly becoming chilly we headed inside and Aaron made chocolate chip cookies. And then off to bed we went!

And it was quite early I might add. I hadn't gotten as much sleep as I did over the break in a VERY long time. I woke up with no red eyes for the first time since I got to Wisconsin the first morning I was at the cabin. 

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