Saturday, January 12, 2013

Whirl wind 1-12-13

Goodness gracious it's been a long week. Talk about adjustments. Going from a very structured school day to absolutely no structure sounds nice, but I found that it is way harder to accomplish fewer tasks when you have absolutely no schedule. My reasoning for this is because you spend all of your time on one thing and realize you didn't even start the other two. I kind of miss the schedule from Conserve, which sounds really funny because I don't like to be limited. My first couple of days were tough. It was hard to "get back into the swing of things." The first couple of days felt a bit like I was spiraling into a black hole of nothingness. Every time I put thought towards thinking about what "needed to be done" I felt incredibly overwhelmed and had the urge to sleep. I was zombie-ing my way through the day with just a slight touch of depression. After some thinking and organization and a good chat with Maeve, Mattie, and Aaron Tuesday night (all at the same time) I felt much better. One step at a time.. yeah yeah. Overall life's been rather a whirl wind of craziness.

FIRST robotics prototyping has been the main thing. It has involved many things, but the high light would probably be today which involved me almost getting hit in the face with 3 Frisbees and a 8 inch wheel that had been spinning at 4000 revolutions per minute nanoseconds before. Yay crappily made prototype! "And this is why you wear safety glasses kids!" Second to FIRST has been guitar. Man are the fingers on my left hand sore! But it's definitely worth it. I can't wait until I can actually play more than A,D, and E! My music teacher's first goal is to have me playing a very simple version of Wild Thing covered by The Troggs. After these two activities I have continued to take pictures, knit a hat, write numerous letters to my friends, read Romeo and Juliet, start Moon Over Manifest, and spin poi a bit. Over all a good way to start the 2013 in my mind.

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step." Lao Tzu

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