Thursday, January 17, 2013

PJ clad math students 1-17-13

I'm sure you're familiar with the stereotype of homeschoolers. well at least this one because there seems to be many. The one I'm talking about would be "do you do you're school work in pajamas?" Why is that? Do we just give of a "we do whatever we want to do" aura? Because it's kind of true...

The whole reason that kids are homeschooled is because they or their parents or both don't like the public/private school system for one reason or another. Whether it's the school environment or the the teachers or the curriculum or the kids at the school. I know a lot of people who are out of school because they are tired of being "taught the test." Filling in the bubble for a test is not the be all end all of life. A letter grade is not going to bring your entire future down. And you say "but what about college?" And here comes the irony and sad part. A) colleges and universities are still warming up to homeschoolers and thus admit homeschoolers through their SAT/ACT scores more. Funny how you spent your entire "school" life trying to beat the system and then when/ if you decide to go to college a lot of it's riding on a test, because there isn't that shiny stamp saying that you did this that and the other (that's the irony). B) your future doesn't depend on grades. There are a lot of schools out there who want to see what you have done not what test you've taken. Many people don't know that's out there and they break their backs filling up a sheet of paper with extra curricular activities that they may or may not like (that's the sad part). In this respect homeschoolers have the upper hand. They have the time and flexibility and daring to go out and try that crazy circus act or paint that landmark or build that machine. These are the people who are interesting. These are the people you want to meet and get to know. Now don't get me wrong, I know some fantastic people who are from a typical school. But I'll wrap this thing up before that certain sense of pride eeks into what I was trying to say. What's I'm trying to say is being in a cardboard limiting box is boring! Aren't you tired of the same old same old? I am. But by god I'm going to keep wearing my pajamas while I read about the history of money! Done...

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