Thursday, January 17, 2013

Harmony through humor 1-17-13

I'm in my room waking up to NPR and I hear a report about a guy named Mark and his wife names Maria. They are described as the perfect couple. Smiling, happy, and holding hands. Picturesque I suppose. Their difference, which is why they had this report done on them, is because Maria is a Lutheran stand in pastor and Mark is an atheist. I find this rather astounding. Many people don't get married because of big differences such as this.  It's the giant life choices that either bring people together or tear them apart. Mark's kids don't go to church and Maria's do. It seems like such a great divide. If only the world could live in harmony with age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, and religion still setting us apart. If only these differences were celebrated by everyone.  The two parents and kids exist as one functional and mostly happy family by using humor and compassion to name a few. If society as a whole could give us their, "I'm superior to you in ____" I think perhaps we might, just might get along a bit better. But then you run into the question, where does this superiority come from? Pride? And then you think, is pride all bad? Perhaps it's good to be happy with what you have achieved  But then where do you stop this pride. What say you? Or is this not the solution?

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