Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Doogle and Joe Doin' it across America 1-15-13

Yesterday my dreams of living on a boat and sailing through the oceans with a couple of sidekicks has been rekindled. Why might you ask? Well because I met an absolutely fantastic guy yesterday named Joe who is currently living in what you would call a red double-decker bus, but what Joe calls Doogle. Here's their story:

Joe was an average working man living in an apartment. Owner of two motorbikes. He paid the bills by driving an ambulance and was therefore working for the NHS as those in the UK call it. To us it would be the National Health Service. Perhaps a scene of a giant dance sequence involving massive puppets of evil characters from classic books, J.K Rowling reading, lots of people wearing scrubs, and an upbeat swing dance? 2012 Opening Olympic ceremonies in London? Okay back to their story. Joe was tired of doing the same old same old. He didn't want to have to pay the mortgage on his place. It was time for a change. He had always had this dream... a dreams of running away and making people smile. On to the internet he went and started looking at buses! Not just any kind of bus mind you. A red double decker bus. He managed to find one that had been renovated by I believe a Swedish architect. Correct me if I'm wrong Doogle. See, these buses were originally made completely open. In addition, the bus had to fit under USA regulated bridges. Even with the shortened top it's a tight fit or so I hear from my friend Dana who rode around in it a couple for days ago. But I'm getting distracted again. So found a good one. One with a cover for the top so that Joe could put a bed in and not get rained on, but so he could uncover it, and you know, host a band complete with amps and speakers on the top! He got Doogle shipped over here and he started in Florida is now in Georgia. He intends to travel our entire country and making people smile. There's one with that I haven't mentioned. The name of the bus. Doogle... The name comes from an old TV show from the UK created in the 60s. The show is called The Magic Roundabout. In the 5 minute episodes there are a bunch of characters. The main one being Dougal a Maltese Terrier. Joe is convinced that the creators of this show were on acid when the show aired, but there you have it. The TV was originally meant for children but it has reached cult status. Another reason that the bus is named Doogle is because Joe had a good friend pass away a couple of years ago and her nickname was Dougal (or Doogle not sure of how they spelled it).

So far Joe has been through Florida visiting: Fort Lauderdale, Sarasota, Miami, Jacksonville, Hollywood, and a couple others that I have forgotten. He's been to the Forest Hostel in Brunswick, Georgia and is now in Atlanta. Wish him luck!

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