Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Failure is ALWAYS an option 1-16-12

As a continuation of what I was saying about Doogle and Joe. Joe was great. Lets start off by saying British accents are cool. And when you add it to giant red bus you get inspiration and smiles. Who wouldn't want that? Maeve's big dream is to jump into a blue station wagon and travel around. Perhaps attach a tiny little home to the vehicle? My dream is kind of like Maeve's but it involves water. Of course. Because I'm a freak when it comes to water. I love being in, on, and around. Any preposition that involves water and I'm there. I read a book call Dove which is a true story about a teenage guy who built and sailed around the world by himself. I want to live on a boat someday and travel. First along the coasts of the USA and then around the world. Perhaps sailing with friends and then alone too. Joe told me that one of the reasons he wanted to go on this trip is because of happiness. He was tired of working the 9 to 5. Tired of paying the bills and being weighed down by monotony. He was in essence.. BORED! He was burnt out. He was tired of seeing people dream about futures that they'd never have because they were too afraid to follow through. That brings me to the second message that he wanted to jam into my brain. Don't be afraid to throw yourself out there, fail, get back up, and be the happiest you've ever been in your life.

While I was at his bus, I helped Joe push all the water that had pooled on his roof off, and pointed out all the leaks. Joe drives in the cab what was originally meant to be open air. He told me when we was driving across Sweden in the winder he had duvet covers, a parka, and a balaclava on. all the other drivers were wondering why an abominable snowman was driving a bright red bus. He was sick for a week after this drive to the states. When he got here a piece of machinery broke and it cost him $2000 to replace. That was 1/4 of his budget. But did that stop him? No! The seal on the cab windows is now completely shot and his roof is leaking. "This bus is going to be held together with duct tape by the time I finish!" Joe said. I don't doubt it. No wonder all the bus experts he talked to advised him against this trip.

"Failure is always an option." says the Mythbusters. If only they knew how right they were when they made that trademark comment. And yet they push it to the furthest limit. That's the way to live life in my opinion. If you always live on the safe side everything will be just what it is. Dreams will stay dreams. The happy days will be put in the back of your mind for a rainy day. Enough talk. It's time to buy a boat!

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