Saturday, March 23, 2013

Very Punny 3-24-13

Okay, so you know that horribly annoying chain mail that you get from that one person in your contacts list? Well I don't really get it a lot because I requested people stop spamming me with a gazillion things telling me I'm saving someone or I'm having a wish come true after I scroll through the amazing amount of various pieces of punctuation carefully arranged to make a heart or lovely squiggles. But today I opened up one of my many emails and found an email with some very clever questions. A while back I created a post comprised of some questions that cross my mind.

"Why do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back to get their medicine while the healthy can buy cigarettes at the front?"

"Why order a double cheeseburger and fries and then a diet coke? Is it really making that big of a difference?"

"Why do banks leave vault doors open and chain the pens to the desks?"

"Why do we leave or cars that cost thousands of dollars in our driveways and then put our worthless junkyard worthy stuff in the locked garage?"

"Why isnt' there mouse-flavored cat food?"

"Why don't sheep shrink in the rain?"

And on and on. Some of them I suppose you can rationalize. Speaking of witty things to say, today while at a USA Climbing competition I saw a shirt that said, "Clinically Insane" and on the back it said "Committed" and then of course in smaller letters "to LA Sportiva event XYZ." A terrific pun if I do say so myself. You've put up with enough of my ramblings. Zai Jian!

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