Friday, March 29, 2013

Naming 3-30-12

Naming is really tricky business. Be it your child, a painting, a photograph, a poem, a book, a street, or a place. Sometimes the name just comes to you and life's good, but other times you can sit and struggle trying to come up with a good name. For instance this blog name was a co-effort on the part of my mom and myself while riding in the car one day. I was encouraged to write a blog because everyone wanted to be kept posted about my days and sending emails and letters was out of the question due to the crazy schedule that I kept at school. Thu the blogging idea was born. I'm really glad that I did it because I know a diary wouldn't have happened, though I did have an orange field notebook that got used quite a bit. But back to what I was saying about names. Very rarely do names not mean anything. You want a book that doesn't have an obnoxiously long name, or do you. I read a book a long time that I have never forgotten and it was titled: "Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters". Never forgotten it and never will. Or maybe it's the over that draws people in. At least for me it has been to a certain degree "ooo look pretty picture! I'll read that one." For a poem or painting you want the same thing. Something that evoke emotion in everyone or bring them in like a poem that I read a few weeks ago titled, "Song to Onion" by Roy Blount Jr. Who doesn't want to read about onion songs?! As for location, you have to really know the place if you want to give it a name. As for babies I could go on for ever. You are naming your child something that they will most likely keep for the rest of their lives. There are those name fads that happen such as Emily, and Sarah, Josh, Eric, and so many others. Yes it seems o be generational, but still. I personally think it would annoying to have my name called  and have 5 other people turn around too. But don't name your child something so unique that NO ONE can pronounce or spell it. Yes people.. this includes the child receiving the name. There's some cool names out there but names like Apple and Moon Unit are a tad bit strange in my opinion, but whatever floats your boat! Also don't try and create a unique name by spelling some weird way with out of place letters. So keep it simple! :) My thoughts for the day...

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