Monday, October 28, 2013

Arabia Mountain Ponderings 10-28-13

Sunsets make me think a lot. Maybe it's my inner philosopher coming out and maybe I'm just a soppy romantic deep, deep, deep (deep, deep, deep) down. There's something about them. Perhaps it's the ending of a day when everything that you have done and experienced has passed by when you wanted them/it to or not. It's a time when you can reflect on the decisions that you have made and how they will effect you. It's also a time to think about how you could, if you wanted/felt you had to, change your behavior or make a different decision the next day. My good friend Zeki has, for over 2 months been religiously taking a picture of the sunset from the same place in Port Washington, WI. He jokingly posted something in my group chat that I have with my Conserve friends that it was like a relationship with him obnoxiously keeping track of how many days he and the sunrise "had been together." But really it is for him. It's a centering experience and a healthy way to start the day. I wish I had that discipline and wasn't so adverse to mornings...

Zeki's silly comment actually had a great effect on me. I have developed so many close relationships with people who I am lucky enough to call some of my best friends. Sometimes we plan way to much in advance and don't let things happen. Or we worry about what other people think or that our friends will judge. We think of all the problems that can occur and whether the relationships should be retained and never focus on the now. Worry about time running out and not enough time to see each other. Living to far away from each other becomes a worry. And the more time you spend time with them the more you fall more in love with your personality and the more you fall in love with them the harder it gets to think about a time when they aren't there every day or every week. It's one of the worst and one of the best feelings in the world. You know that while it hurts so so so much that it only feels like that because you are intimately close with that person. It's a clusterball of feelings for sure. But in the end you know that it's better to know the person and feel that clusterballl of feels than it is to not know those people.
Arabia Mountain - Where I spent my Sunday. 

More Arabia :)

I'm going to go full on Broadway you guys and quote a song from Wicked: The New Musical:

Like a comet pulled from orbit 
As it passes the sun
As a stream that meets the boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say that I've been changed for the better?
because I knew you
I have been changed for the good

So think on that. Because that's what I believe. It might not be what you believe but think about it. I don't believe in fate and one true love and you were fated to meet your best friends. I believe that you should have the greatest time of your life with the people that you have around (or not physically around) no matter how you stumbled into their lives or how you stumbled into theirs. Love them unconditionally and LIVE.

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