Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Questions 2-21-13

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you might explode? Your brain hurts form over use and your eyes droop like those of a child up past her bed time. When you just can't go any further. Like you are running at a brick wall repeatedly. Like there's a sound barrier between you and correct functionality? Do you ever wonder why someone will go to the ends of the earth for you? Do you ever wonder why there isn't ever a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Do you ever wonder if there's someone sitting in the clouds looking down at you wearing a Hawaiian shirt? Do you ever wonder why people sit in bars for hours on end? Why is it that you can't stand that one thing that sound? Why does your skin crawl when you see all of those legs? Why is it that people can sit for hours on end in silence reading? Why is it that many adults lose their childish imagination when the grow up?Why can't we ride whales? Why can't we just have gills? How come people don't write letters more? Why can't we travel through time? Shouldn't we have the capabilities to apparate like Harry Potter now? Why are we such a materialistic society? Why is it that it's the littlest things that mean the most thing? What's so satisfying about puddle jumping? But in all seriousness my biggest question is: Why don't people pursue happiness? After all it's in the Declaration of Independence. Everyone is supposed to listen to that right? Patriotic and all... Everyday I see people who are not fulfilling any of their dreams. Not even the small ones. The simple pleasures are pushed into the corners because of the really big ones. If you sit and talking with someone long enough then you may or may not find out that they have this giant aspiration to go and explore. So why do people not go for what they want? Is it that they are stuck in the monotony of money? What if you took that variable away from the equation? Would people be brave enough to take the leap? Would they still go out on a limb? Or would they dream up something else? Would that ever so brilliant cashier come up with the cure to some rare form of cancer? Just think about it. The population could be happier and more fulfilled. Life could take a turn for the better! Or would it?

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